The GI360™ Microbiome Profile is a gut microbiota DNA analysis tool that identifies and characterizes the abundance and diversity of more than 45 targeted analytes that peer-reviewed research has shown to contribute to dysbiosis and other chronic disease states. The Dysbiosis Index (DI) is a calculation with scores from 1 to 5 based on the overall bacterial abundance and profile within the patient's sample as compared to a reference population. Values above 2 indicate a microbiota profile that differs from the defined normobiotic reference population (i.e., dysbiosis). The higher the DI above 2, the more the sample is considered to deviate from normobiosis.
24/7 text and email availability (must first have have consult)
24/7 text and email availability (must first have had a consult)
24/7 text and email availability (must first have have consult)
Vitamin, Mineral and Amino Acid Evaluation and Monitoring