Toxin-Free Skincare

Dominic A Brandy, MD, the owner of The Skin Center in Pittsburgh for over 40 years, has developed an incredibly-elegant skincare line that does NOT have the high levels of extremely toxic chemicals like parabens, fragrances, and phthalates that are commonly found in skincare lines.

Each element that goes into these products has a 3 or less score according the the Environmental Working Group website ( ewg.org ). A score of 3 or less for an ingredient is considered very low toxicity. The Ewg.org score uses a 1-10 scoring system with 1 being the least toxic. The vast majorty of the ingredients in this skincare line are scored as 1 (least toxic).

The only product that has 2 ingredients over 3 rating are in the Ultra Tint SPF 30. This is primarily a physical block with zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. I avoided all UVA and UVB absorbers because they have been shown to be cancer-causing, I could not get the cream consistency that I wanted with out two simethicone ingredients that score 5 and 7 but they are in the lowest concentrations possible ro get the consistency that I wanted.

These products are the best of the best with regard to quality and safety. They are also very reasonably priced. I hope you enjoy.

DOMINIC A BRANDY, MD | Former President and Founder of The Skin Center in Pittsburgh, PA | President and Founder Natural Insights into Cancer, LLC




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